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The most powerful Russian stun gun (10 watts maximum allowed for even special forces in the world). That is why it is for special forces only. This stun gun is shaped as a baton and designed for usage by special forces only. AIR (POLICE) 107Y stungun batons are sold in Russia only to police ID holders. However, this restriction does not apply to foreign citizens. This electric shock baton has a firing (4.5 metres) taser mode.
This gun belongs to the special class of professional electric shock weapons. Its power is three times greater than the highest power allowed for civilian stun guns! Such a high power allows this gun to paralyze the offender in 0.1 seconds. Today it is the most powerful electric shock weapon in Russia and in the world!
This stun gun shoots a DC remote cartridge. The range of a cartridge shot is 4.5 meters. If used in direct contact, AIR (POLICE) 107Y can work as either a stun gun or a baton. The gun is made of a very durable fiberglass. Your AIR will always be stronger than any offender! "Snatch-proof" zone makes it impossible for the offender to take the gun away from you. If the offender grabs AIR (POLICE) 107Y, he will receive a strong electric shock.
The shooting cartridge could be replaced with a cartridge of a different type. A signal cartridge (LLSC - optional) makes a loud noise as well as a bright flash of light. A new special technology: After a shot, the gun can be used in direct contact; there is no need to remove the used cartridge.
Russian police is well-known for its efficacy in weapons use. However, sometimes the use of firearms may be excessive, but the situation calls for an immediate actions. AIR (POLICE) is a perfect solution of this problem. The offender will be neutralized, and the policeman will not have to file numerous pages of reports.
This gun is used in Russian police forces tactical operations. No.1 professional police stun gun in Russia!
Technical specifications
Property Value
Action type (distance/close) Shooting or contact
Power source: Battery
Shape Baton
Length: 339±2 mm.
Diameter: 52,5±1 mm.
Power: 10 watts.
Voltage: 120,000 volts.
Charge: 32 000 micro coulombs.
Spark forming frequency 260 Hz.
Recommended time of exposure: 1 sec
Average duration of shock: 20 min.
Clothes puncture depth: 17 mm.
Case material: Shock resistant fiberglass
Sale restrictions (free or with police ID) For Russian citizens - with police ID only, for non-residents - no restrictions.
Net weight : 580±20 g.